
OpenMUL Controller provides a base controller platform for everything SDN/Openflow. It is a lightweight SDN/Openflow controller written almost entirely in C (from scratch) and provides top performance in terms of flow handling (download rate and latency) as well as a very stable application development platform.
Following are the major components of OpenMUL controller:
1) Mul director/core
a. Major component of mul
b. Handles all low level switch connections and does Openflow processing
c. Provides application programming interface in form of MLAPIS (mid-level APIs)
d. Provides Openflow (or any south bound protocol) agnostic access to devices
e. Supports hooks for high speed low-latency learning (reactive) processing infrastructure
f. Makes sure all flows, groups, meters and other switch specific entities are kept in sync across switch, controller reboots/failures.
2) Mul infrastructure services
a. These provide basic infra services built on top of mul director/core
b. Currently available :
i. Topology discovery service
This service uses LLDP packets to discover network switch topology. This also has the ability to detect and prevent
network loops on demand in close interaction with mul-core.
ii. Path finding service
This service uses Flloyd-Warshall (All-pairs shortest path) algorithm to calculate shortest path between two network
nodes. It supports ECMP with the possibility to influence route selection behavior using various external parameters
like link speed, link latency etc. It is designed to be fast and scalable (tested upto 128 nodes). Also, provides an
extremely fast shared memory based API interface to query routes.
iii. Path Connector Service
This service provides a flexible interface for application to install flows across a path. Most of the time, any SDN
application views the SDN island as a single domain and would like to operate on a flow across the island. It becomes
cumbersome for application to maintain various routes, calculate path-routes, take care of link failovers etc. This
service completely hides such complexities from the Application and App developer. Another important feature of this
service is that it separates a SDN domain into core and edge. The application requested flows are only maintained at
edge switches. This keeps flow budget (an expensive resource in Openflow world) at the core switches to bare
3) MuL system apps
a. System apps are built using a common api provided by mul-director and mul-services
b. These are hardly aware of Openflow and hence designed to work across different openflow versions provided switches
support common requirement of these apps
c. Currently available :
i. L2switch : A bare-bones app modeled on legacy L2 learning switching logic. Provides a fast way to verify networking
connectivity in a small networking setup
ii. CLI app : This provides a common CLI based provisioning tool for all MuL components.
iii. NBAPI webserver : This provides RESTful Api’s for mul controller. Webserver written in Python
The above explained modules provide robust environment for developing various high level applications like PRISM, SDN fabric or TAP application.
Following are the major components of OpenMUL controller:
1) Mul director/core
a. Major component of mul
b. Handles all low level switch connections and does Openflow processing
c. Provides application programming interface in form of MLAPIS (mid-level APIs)
d. Provides Openflow (or any south bound protocol) agnostic access to devices
e. Supports hooks for high speed low-latency learning (reactive) processing infrastructure
f. Makes sure all flows, groups, meters and other switch specific entities are kept in sync across switch, controller reboots/failures.
2) Mul infrastructure services
a. These provide basic infra services built on top of mul director/core
b. Currently available :
i. Topology discovery service
This service uses LLDP packets to discover network switch topology. This also has the ability to detect and prevent
network loops on demand in close interaction with mul-core.
ii. Path finding service
This service uses Flloyd-Warshall (All-pairs shortest path) algorithm to calculate shortest path between two network
nodes. It supports ECMP with the possibility to influence route selection behavior using various external parameters
like link speed, link latency etc. It is designed to be fast and scalable (tested upto 128 nodes). Also, provides an
extremely fast shared memory based API interface to query routes.
iii. Path Connector Service
This service provides a flexible interface for application to install flows across a path. Most of the time, any SDN
application views the SDN island as a single domain and would like to operate on a flow across the island. It becomes
cumbersome for application to maintain various routes, calculate path-routes, take care of link failovers etc. This
service completely hides such complexities from the Application and App developer. Another important feature of this
service is that it separates a SDN domain into core and edge. The application requested flows are only maintained at
edge switches. This keeps flow budget (an expensive resource in Openflow world) at the core switches to bare
3) MuL system apps
a. System apps are built using a common api provided by mul-director and mul-services
b. These are hardly aware of Openflow and hence designed to work across different openflow versions provided switches
support common requirement of these apps
c. Currently available :
i. L2switch : A bare-bones app modeled on legacy L2 learning switching logic. Provides a fast way to verify networking
connectivity in a small networking setup
ii. CLI app : This provides a common CLI based provisioning tool for all MuL components.
iii. NBAPI webserver : This provides RESTful Api’s for mul controller. Webserver written in Python
The above explained modules provide robust environment for developing various high level applications like PRISM, SDN fabric or TAP application.